


  • This trait may be implemented by any Date or DateTime object An implementation for chrono::NaiveDateTime is provided below
  • This trait may be implemented by any Date or DateTime object An implementation for chrono::NaiveDateTime is provided below


  • convert ISO-8601-like string to a Julian days as f64 (64-bit float) via chrono::NaiveDateTime
  • Utility function to convert any ISO-8601-like date string to a Chrono NaiveDateTime object This function accepts YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS separated by a space or letter T and with or without hours, minutes or seconds. Missing time parts will be replaced by 00, hence 2022-06-23 will be 2022-06-23 00:00:00 UTC and 22-06-23 18:20 will be 2022-06-23 18:30:00 Missing month and day parts will be replaced by 01.
  • convert julian day as 64-bit float to a timezone-neutral chrono::NaiveDateTime object
  • convert julian day as 64-bit float to unix timestamp seconds as a signed 64 bit integer
  • Calculate the weekday index from a given Julian Day with timezone offsets in seconds
  • Convert a unix timestamp as a 64 bit integer to julian days as a 64-bit float